Monday, December 26, 2011

Stereo wiring plus

Maybe it's my OCD talking, but I'd call that a mess of wires
So a few days before Christmas I decided to really dive into the mess of wires behind the stereo.  After some confusion I figured out that one of the previous owners must have had an amplifier and cd-changer in the trunk - along with a different set of 6x9s then is currently in there.  That equipment was obviously hastily removed before he car was sold so now I get to clean up the mess.  Thankfully in the land of ipods and mp3s I'll never need to worry about disc-changers again so I pulled those wires out.  I also clipped and wrapped some other wires that may be of use in the future.  For now I've left the basic speaker wires in and have made it my goal to merely get the stereo working.  You can't cruise without music.  I'm hoping to get back out there in the next day or two and get everything hooked back up.  It's not the most exciting project but I need a small victory before I move forward on some of the other repairs.

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